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Master's Theses

At the Department of Tax and Fiscal Law, master's theses are supervised by Professor Tina Ehrke-Rabel and Associate Professor Barbara Gunacker-Slawitsch.

Due to very limited capacity for supervising master's theses, the following procedure applies:

Students must demonstrate a strong interest in the subject of tax and fiscal law.

This has to be expressed in a formal letter of motivation (preferably electronically, but not merely an e-mail), addressed to the desired supervisor and (stating the student registration number) sent to tax(at)uni-graz.at. Apart from the letter of motivation, consideration will be given to which courses the interested student has attended.

Along with the letter of motivation, a CV in Europass format must be attached.

In a cover letter or in the letter of motivation, an idea for a thesis topic must be included.

If the submitted documents are convincing, the  student will be invited for an interview. The documents must be submitted before an interview date is assigned.


Note: There are two videos (in German) on the topic of scientific writing by Professor Tina Ehrke-Rabel with valuable advice on how to write a good scientific paper.

    Master seminar 1
    Master seminar 2

Our Departmental Library is located in building B2 and is available to all students and researchers.

In case of further questions, please contact the Department's secretary or the scientific staff.


Department of Tax and Fiscal Law
Universitätsstraße 15/B2 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 (0)316 380 - 3430

Opening Hours:
Mon - Thu | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

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